Hack Your Own
Open Source
Quadruped with
Petoi Robot Pets

Perfect for Robotics Developers & Learners

Perfect for Robotics Developers & Learners

Create Raspberry Pi robotics applications with Petoi four-legged robot pets

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Hands-on building of a remote-controlled cool robot pet

You love building things. How about building your own robot pet and bringing it to life by assembling with Lego-like parts and remote-control them with a mobile app supporting customized commands?


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Program a cool robot pet

Program your own four-legged robot dog or cat and teach new robotics skills in C++/Python/Scratch.


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Develop with high performance hardware

Petoi robots run on NyBoard(Arduino Uno compatible) or BiBoard(ESP32) microcontrollers with

  • BlueTooth/Wifi/serial connection support
  • custom-designed Petoi plastic or metal servos.
  • built-in gyroscope


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Program lifelike quadruped movements


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Visually design new quadruped skills

Use Petoi Skill Composer to easily move joints, record the action frames, and export them to be used in C++


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Attach optional modules to create sensory & IoT applications

Examples include:

  • enable interaction with humans or pets through additional modules of gesture, voice, or vision recognition.  
  • develop new quadruped motion navigation and pathfinding with cost-effective sensors and artificial intelligence algorithms


All Petoi Robots Are Built on OpenCat

the Most Starred Quadruped Project on GitHub with an Active Community

Explore Petoi products for STEM & robotics education