Build Your Own Robot
with Petoi Raspberry Pi
Robotics Kit

Perfect for All Ages
and Skill Levels

Perfect for All Ages and Skill Levels

Create Raspberry Pi robotics applications with Petoi four-legged robot pets

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Create Raspberry Pi robotics applications with Petoi four-legged robot pets

Attach an optional Raspberry Pi for endless possibilities of coding a powderful Petoi quadruped robot pet. 


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Hands-on building and programming of a cool robot pet

You love building things.  How about building your own your own robot pet and bringing it to life by assembling with lego-like parts and remote-control them with a mobile app and customized commands?

You can also program your own four-legged robot dog or cat and teach new robotics skills in C++/Python.


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Attach optional modules to create robotics applications

Robotics applicaton examples include:
  • enable interaction with humans or pets through additional modules of gesture, voice, or vision recognition
  • develop new quadruped motions navigation and pathfinding with cost-effective sensors and artificial intelligence algorithms


Train your first robot pet on Raspberry Pi now!